Samsung India has launched Galaxy Grand Duos with dual-sim functionality, bringing another phablet to the market just a day after Micromax announced its Canvas HD with 5-inch screen. The company said it will retail the device with a flip cover in the box and price it at Rs 21,500.
The all-new Galaxy Grand Duos has a 5-inch WVGA TFT screen and is powered by Android4.1 (Jelly Bean). This smartphone runs on a dual-core processor clocked at 1.2GHz and has 1GB RAM. Samsung has continued with the design language it introduced in the Galaxy S III in this smartphone as well.
At the back, the smartphone has an 8MP camera with LED flash, while there is a 2MP snapper on the front. Available only in an 8GB variant, the device's memory capacity can be raised up to 64GB via microSD card. Running on a 2,100mAh battery, the Galaxy Grand Duos has connectivity features like 3G, 2G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, S Voice and microUSB. Other features of the device include Direct Call, Smart Alert, Popup Video and AllShare Play. Galaxy Grand will also have multi-app functionality, allowing users to access two apps simultaneously.
A Samsung India executive said that if a user is taking a call on one sim, Galaxy Grand Duos' auto-forwarding feature will automatically redirect an incoming call on the other sim to the first connection.
Micromax recently claimed that it has shipped more phablets than Samsung in the country. At the unveiling of Canvas HD, the indigenous manufacturer said it shipped 1.98 lakh phablets, while Samsung imported 1.89 lakh units of its Galaxy Note and Note II tablets.
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